Thursday, 26 June 2008
5 Things Found in my Purse:
1) iPod Touch
2) LV Wallet
3) L'Occitane 30ml Hand Cream
4) Motorola Krzr Phone in Black
5) Black Clear-lensed UO Wayfarers
5 Things Found in my Wallet:
1) Oyster card
2) Debit card
3) Accesorize reciept (from Prom buys!)
4) Expired Boots voucher
5) Boots reward card
5 Things Found in my Room:
1) 3 piles of now-old-and-no-longer-needed text books
2) Extremely messy wardrobe & contents
3) 200+ Collection of fashion magazines incl. VOGUE, ELLE, Grazia, Look etc
4) Assortment of 'grown-up toys' such as teddy bears: 3 dogs, 3 cows, 1 rabbit & a porcelain doll :)
5) Unused & still-in-packaging full length mirror
5 Things I’ve always wanted to do:
1) Attend an Haute Couture fashion show
2) Travel to a non-European country by boat *cruising*
3) Get a fashion-related job that I love e.g. in fashion marketing
4) Drive a convertible roof-down on the motorway (just 2 years left!)
5) Go on a money-is-no-object shopping spree weekend (ultimat dream!)
5 Things I’m currently into:
1) Parties - Prom really got me in the mood
2) Shopping (as usual)
3) Vintage designer finds
4) Bangles
5) Thinking about college!
5 Impressions of my Tagger:
1) Extremely stylish
2) In love with the 'tuck'
3) Lives above a mall (I'm so jealous!)
4) Is great at doing 'inspired by' looks
5) Very friendly
I tag Austere, Leposaurus Rex, Strawberry Kitten and Hand It Over! Have fun girls!
love, peace & fashion
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Prom 2008!!
On a brighter note, I really can't describe how much fun I had yesterday! It was really just great & we took like 200+ photos lol yes, really!
Oh yeah, & in the end I changed my bag because when I tried it on it no longer seemed to match? I think its cos the earrings were silver, oh yeah & I took a coat instead of the black stole, but ended up using my friend's pashmina (which luckily matched perfectly) when it was cold!
Here's a few of my fav pics from last night, enjoy & I'll be posting a tag post v. soon!
love, peace & fashion
Monday, 23 June 2008
Mirror mirror...
Oh yeah, & yesterday I went to get a spray tan at my salon, its the first time I've ever done that & it was really good, although I'm still feeling slightly worried about how fake it looks haha, hopefully it'll be more natural-looking by tomorrow!
So here's the pics then, let me know what you think!
love, peace & fashion

^What I like to call the Prom Pile ;this includes my dress, shoes, bag & cloaky-thing-I'm-stealing-from-my-mum-as-a-coverup!

^The ring I bought especially for the occasion - you can tell I'm tanned in this pic :)
[I'd post more photos but my phones acting weird - again!]
Friday, 20 June 2008
Fashionably Late? Not quite so...
So anyway, before the cinema we went out for dinner & I had some gorgeously delicious stuffed pepper thing - yum! Here's its remains:

Just a bit of garnish & the top bit *which isn't meant to be eaten ahem*, you can tell it must've been good.
I've also got a pic of my outfit - it was quite casual as we went for a long walk beforehand!

Top - Stella McCartney
Jacket - Stolen from Mum
Jeans - Topshop
Sandals - Zara
Sunglasses - H&M
So thats yesterdays post done, todays will be here in a bit!
love, peace & fashion
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Finally... <3
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
College/Sixth Form/Senior/??
Anyway enough of that, on to the outfits. After all, I only have like 2 months & a half left and I won't really have time during the summer to think about this! I used that brilliant site which I'm sure loads of you know ( to come up with some little inspirational collages.
I really love this site its so handy and much easier to use than photoshop. Its a lot of fun too so I definetely recommend it! I'm also really happy cos at a lot of sixth forms you have to wear full uniform but at the one I'm going to you can basically wear anything & any colour so long as its 'smart'. This basically means you can't wear t-shirts or jeans! I think I'll probably stick to black and white most of the time though! Tell me what you like & what you don't :)
love, luck & fashion
Monday, 16 June 2008
Au Naturel
I could not believe it turned out so nice
even though I have like the worst camera phone lol
Friday, 13 June 2008
Hey, sorry for not posting the last few days - I had exams so I was concentrating on that. I'm almost on holiday now! I only have one last exam which is next monday which means I've got a whole week to revise for it which is good. & Prom is the day after the exam and I still have to find a dress! Luckily I've got a bit more than a week to do that & revise so I should be able to sort myself out. I'll update later, hope everyones having a good time! xoxo |
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Fashionably Nervous
Monday, 9 June 2008
Another Day of (semi)Revision
Heya, so today once again I spent most of it at home trying to revise for my exams this week. I'm not really that nervous anymore cos I've already had most of my exams and I'm totally used to them now! In a way this is good cos I used to get SO stressed out lol but now its like no biggie. On the other hand, it also means I let myself get distracted more easily (see rest of post) which isn't such a great thing! Anyway, later on in the day I went to my local park with my mum for a walk & the only thing we bought was... dinner lol yes, chinese - yum! haha Anyway, I also had time to conjure up a little collage of some stuff I need for this summer which is posted below. Thanks for all the comments by the way, much love xoxo |
^What I was wearing today - nothing special just a dress & leggings, & that bag that I haven't stopped using since I bought it last Friday!
^My Summer 08 needs collage - I'm still puzzled about the gladiators so if anyone has advice please tell me!
Last Friday
Hey, so last Friday I went out with S (as I already mentioned) to look for a few things. My camera batteries were totally flat so we only took pics with hers and thats why I didn't get them til today. Anyway, we went to Portobello Road and then moved onto Oxford Street a little later. It was the first time I went to Portobello in a really long time - I probably haven't been since I was like 5 or something ! It was really fun apart from the fact that my shoes were absolutely killing me and I came hope with totally rouged feet! lol Here's the pics from that day (click to zoom), I'll post today's stuff later xoxo |
^ Outfit I was wearing on the day - we promised to dress a little funkier than usual hence the none-mathiness lol
^ This a vintage chanel necklace I was almost gonna buy but I though it looked too fake so in the end I didn't!
^Just some pics of the day + contents of my Primark bag ♥: I got this bag & the cute bows are hair clips - I got 2 so I can use them when I put my hair in pigtails ♥
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Hmph. So today I was supposed to go to History revision at school (yes even though it was the weekend, its not that I got confused about) but I ended up going at 1 even though it was supposedly at 10! I don't know how the hell I got it mixed up. As far as I knew, it was defo at1, there was never any question about it for me. I had a timetable and it said History revision, Sunday 8th June, 1.30-4pm!! So anyway that really frustrated me (as you can imagine) & I ended up having to come home & do revision here where I kept on getting distracted (see uber-fashionable blog list on the right!) & didn't do alot but enough not to feel guilty. Whatever, anyway, my outfit kind of reflected the day & wasn't very good either, piccys: ^Well at least I got to use the nerd specs! xoxo |
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Saturday, 7 June 2008
Mini Shop
Hey, so today I went out to High Street Kensington and bought a couple of beauties. Yesterday I broke my fav sunglasses and after spending the whole day with S searching for those Clear Lensed Wayfarers by the time I found them I was broke from buying other things lol Anyway, I went out for them again today (yes, I was determined) and finally bought them! Yay! Originally I found them in Topshop but the Urban Outfitters version was much cuter, so I opted for them. I also had to buy new sunglasses, even though I have other pairs - they WERE my favourite after all and I felt bad about having -1 pair! I also got a cute pair of scarves from HM and a much-needed mirroir. Here's some pics: |
^ The Outfit (also at
^New sunnies! ♥ the butterfly detail
^ Nerd specs on cute stuffed dawg lol