Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Return of the Fashion Jedi

Hi everyone!! Its been a long time since I've posted on here & so much has happened over the last month and a bit but I'm finally back! As well as my internet getting fixed (I must admit this was about a month ago!), I also went on holiday back home & got a golden glow - yes a REAL tan! lol & I haven't even mentioned my lovely buys over the summer, but I'll leave you hanging til I upload pics!

Anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm back for good (or at least until my next holiday!) & hope you've all had lots of fun over the summer. At the mo I'm stressing about my GCSE results which I'll be finding out tomorrow, so wish me luck! I'll update as soon as I can, oh yeah & tell me what you think about my new header!

love, peace & fashion

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